Internet Marketing Tips

Internet Marketing Tips

While surfing the web for entrepreneur and business articles I came across a page talking about the best internet marketing tips.  They recommended blogs  as a way to interact with clients, add content to your website, and expand your visibility to search engines. It looks like they also used to create their site. I think the paid version may come in handy later down the road to show off work and use as a type of portfolio.

My instructional video

My instructional video

This is the first instructional video I have ever made. It shows the viewer how to build a skateboard. I found that the most difficult process in creating this instructional video was trying to sound natural when recording your voice. I believe that recording each sound file individually made this more difficult to achieve and I am sure I could learn a thing or two if I found some voice recording tips and advice on youtube. I will have to do some research before my next video.